Noun+Noun Compounds in Italian - Jan Radimský

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovic - <p>The book investigates one concrete compounding pattern in present-day Italian within a larger overview of Italian compounding. Various accounts and classifications of Noun + Noun combinations in Italian are reviewed, with special focus on the status of the lexical integrity hypothesis. The author sets out to propose an integrated approach to the Noun + Noun compounding pattern, rigorously based on large representative data sets that were extracted from the Italian web corpus ItWaC as both automatically and manually post-processed frequency lists. On the basis of such data, it is aimed at providing an account for the behaviour of various subtypes of Noun + Noun compounds.</p><p>Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy. Klíčová slova: italština, podstatná jména, tvoření slov, složená slova, korpusová lingvistika, monografie</p>

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