Queen/Bejart: Ballet For Life DVD - Queen

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EAN 5034504136380
Kategorie Filmy
Značka Universal Music
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Universal Music - <p>2019 Queen + Béjart: Ballet for Life dokumentuje hudbu kapely Queen jako inspiraci pro unikátní baletní představení. Ballet for Life je výjimečnou spoluprací mezi třemi pilíři kultury: Queen, Versace a vizionářským choreografem Mauricem Béjartem, která oslavuje život a talent legendárních performerů Freddieho Mercuryho a Béjartova hlavního tanečníka, Jorge Donna, kteří oba zemřeli na AIDS. Tracklist: 1. "Ballet For Life: The Documentary" 2. "It's A Beautiful Day (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 3. "Medley: Time / Let Me Live / Brighton Rock (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 4. "Heaven For Everyone (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 5. "Medley: I Was Born To Love You / Cosi Fan Tutte (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 6. "Medley: A Kind Of Magic / Thamos (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 7. "Medley: Get Down, Make Love / Piano Concerto No21 (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 8. "Medley: You Take My Breath Away / Death On Two Legs / Masonic Funeral Music (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne,)" 9. "Medley: A Kind Of Magic (Ay-Oh) / Sinfonia Concertante / Radio Ga Ga (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne,)" 10. "A Winter's Tale (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 11. "Medley: The Great Pretender / The Millionaire Waltz (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 12. "Medley: Brighton Rock / Bohemian Rhapsody (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 13. "I Want To Break Free (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 14. "The Show Must Go On (Live At The Salle M?tropole, Lausanne, Switzerland / 1996)" 15. "Menu / + Bejart / Ballet For Life (Live At Th??tre National De Chaillot, Paris / 1997)" 16. "Ballet For Life: The Making Of..."</p>

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